Opening of the 'XAG Innovation Academy': integrating business experience into the preparation process of future agrispecialists.

June 22, 2023
Opening of the 'XAG Innovation Academy': integrating business experience into the preparation process of future agrispecialists.
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The partnership of businesses and educational institutions allows us to lay the foundation for an effective Ukrainian agriculture industry, which will be advanced on the world market. The DroneUA team, in collaboration with XAG, an international manufacturer of agricultural robotics, has launched a new educational and practical project based on the leading agrarian university NUBiP of Ukraine. The opening of the "XAG Innovation Academy" – a modern laboratory of unmanned solutions, was held on August 9, with the aim of providing a practical base for training qualified specialists.


The necessity for a project to train highly qualified precision farming specialists is dictated by the high market demand for professionals who can work with advanced robotic solutions for agribusiness. The market leader XAG, having a strategy for the development of sustainable agriculture for 100 years ahead, sees huge potential in the Ukrainian market. Working with Ukrainian higher education institutions and preparing specialists is one of the important foundations for its realization. After all, XAG is more than spraying drones, it is an ecosystem of innovative robotic and digital solutions, and they require enhanced study.

The "Academy of Innovative Solutions" is a modern laboratory of the agrobiological faculty, which is equipped with spraying drones and related innovative solutions of the XAG brand, in order to provide a practical base for training qualified specialists. The laboratory was realized at the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Plant Product Production named after O.I. Dushechkin.

In this high-tech space, students can:

  • Conduct practical training using spraying drones, autopilot systems, and other robotics in agro;
  • Communicate with practitioners and market experts, getting maximum working tips and experience, with which they will be ready to work in enterprises even during the study process;
  • Immerse themselves in advanced practices and technological solutions from XAG, thereby becoming demanded specialists on the international market.

"The high level of demand for specialists in robotics and precision farming technologies is observed in the market already today. This encourages deepening cooperation between businesses and higher education institutions to increase the number of joint projects. Last year, we at DroneUA and NUBiP of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and launched a joint educational program 'Agrochemservice in Precision Agroproduction'. Now we are ready to reach a new level and such achievements, like the 'XAG Innovation Academy' are just the beginning," - Fevzi Ametov, co-founder of DroneUA.

Ukraine is already ahead of Europe in terms of the intensity of drone use in agriculture. In order to keep up with the pace of innovation, it is necessary to supply the market with qualified specialists, real professionals in precision agroproduction. And these prospects are the future of Ukrainian agriculture, as the most innovative in the world.


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